How To Donate
Donations can be made to Asha Deep through our NGO:
Hope and Joy Society for the Underprivileged
To make an online donation in rupees:
To make a bank transfer in rupees:
Acct Name: Hope and Joy Society for the Under Privileged
Axis Bank Acct #: 921010019084573
IFSC Code: UTIB0000856
Bank Name: Varanasi, Lanka Branch (ID no. 856)
To make an online donation in foreign currency:

Send your donation via PayPal or a credit card to We Give All with a note that your gift is for Asha Deep School. We Give All passes on 100% of donations to our school.
Donate to us through We Give All
To make a bank transfer in foreign currency:
We can accept direct bank transfers in foreign currency to our FCRA account in State
Bank of India, New Delhi Main branch. For information on how to do this, click on the
email button below. We will reply with full details.